heavy objects on knitting machine

About Me

Hi, I am Carol and live with my cat Jenson in the Forest of Dean, UK. Finding myself with time on my hands and needing a challenge, I decided to learn the old art of Machine Knitting. As I am now retired, I have time, but not so much money. I need to start my new hobby on a small budget.  Thus I bought an old Knitmaster MOD 700 knitting machine off eBay.  I also acquired a bargain bundle of old yarn and patterns locally. 


(Update: I have just got a Knitmaster 580 which arrived damaged but I managed to bandage it up and using spares from an old 550, have got it to knit and will be using this machine as well on this blog. I have now put this machine away as it is a bit confusing and back on the 700.)


I set about learning to knit using information from the Internet and some second-hand books.  Although progress was slow at first, the experience was addictive, It took time to clean and repair my machine and to get to know its quirks.  Now Jenson and I both love this machine.   I love knitting on it, Jenson loves sleeping on it. (Update: Jenson is now banned from sleeping on the machines in order to protect the sponge-bars!).


I am recording my progress, good and bad, in this blog for me and anyone else to learn from. My work involved writing user instructions for computer/machine operators so I feel I that this could be put to good use in this blog.


But be warned, you can easily become addicted. Within a short space of time I now have 3 (update: 4) Knitmaster knitting machines and a room full of wool and various accessories. Just think of all the fun I will have and all the experience that I will get to share with you (if I can keep Jenson away!)


Over the spring and summer months you can find me busy in my back garden growing vegetables, so I may not be blogging as much.



If you wish to connect with me, please add a comment, connect on social media or email me at



Happy Knitting!


Carol from Wicked Woollies