2019: A good time to learn Machine Knitting
Hi, I am Carol land I live with my cat Jenson in the Forest of Dean, UK. (If you are a machine knitter and live nearby, I would love to hear from you).
Finding myself with time on my hand and needing a challenge, I decided to learn the old art of Machine Knitting. I have been researching into machine knitting to see if I can do this new hobby on budget. I am recording my progress, good and bad, in this blog. I am also including useful information and resources for my own reference and hopefully for other new knitters. (If you find anything out of date or wrong, please tell me).
I sometimes hand-knit or crochet in the evening, but find it takes a long time and can get boring. I need something a bit more exciting and machine knitting seems to fit the bill.
I have been acquiring lot of information, three knitting machines, and a huge stash of yarn (yes I am already addicted) over the past year. It can get overwhelming and after a lot of practice across the machines, I am now using a standard gauge punch-card machine called a Knitmaster MOD 700. I think this is a good starter machine. It is not as easy as it seems. There is a lot of information to take in.
I now think that I have mastered many of the basic techniques and have created a few jumpers. I feel that now is the best time to start recording my knowledge and experiences. I hope that this will grow into a valuable resource that everyone can use.
There is a huge learning curve to machine knitting. You have to understand how your machine works and how to make it knit smoothly. You need to know how to correct any mistakes, how not to damage your machine, how to maintain it and how to repair it. Then you have to learn how to knit!
But once you have created your first garment, you will be hooked. So let the adventure begin!